Monday, April 18, 2011

Been For Dam Ever I know

So I have been a super huge slacker i know, well as far as blogging goes anyways. Heres a little of what ive been up to...

Rage Triathlon Lake Mead, NV

This past weekend a few friends from work and i w
ent down to Vegas to do an Olympic Tri. We got hooked up with a sweet house to stay in and the weather was awesome. We went from wet spring Utah 40s-50s to sunny 80s. It was awesome. The race went ok. It was definitely not an easy course however. I finished 4th in my division whi
ch i am pleased with. The winner of my division also won the entire race so i felt even better about that. The only bad things about the trip was the fact that my AC decided to not work and my friend who traveled with me got way too much sun and now shes a lobster. All in all though it was a great trip. Too short though.

Chillin by the pool after the race and had a sweet BBQ.
Dom Burchett 2h58m, Rob Ayres 3h2m, Heath 3h3m after race.

Dom and Rob getting ready for race.

Sushi Dinner Fundraiser...

Some friends of mine had the horrible misfortune of losing their newborn baby so our friends rallied to do what we could. Our plan was to have a sushi dinner. One of my buddies being a sushi chef prepared close to 1000 pieces of sushi and i made something like 3 gallons of miso. We ended up with over 40 people coming and were able to raise close to our goal to help our buddies out. It was a great turnout and i got to see a lot of my friends i hadn't seen in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on 4th place in your division!
    I'm so sorry about your friends' baby. That is just heartbreaking. Very cool of you and your friends to do the dinner.
